About Us

Employment Opportunities

Seeking Employment?

The Harris County Office of Managed Assigned Counsel is committed to our mission and dedicated to fairness for our clients and a more just criminal justice system. From attorneys, to investigators, to social workers, to administrative staff, to law clerks, to interns, each position brings vital skills and advocacy to our client-centered defense services.

We provide equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, or sexual orientation. We offer opportunities through full-time employment, internships and law clerkships. We encourage anyone who meets specified qualifications to apply. 

Available employment opportunities will be listed below.

Voucher Assistant

The Voucher Assistant will assist with reviewing attorney vouchers to determine whether they satisfy approval conditions. Additionally, the Voucher Assistant will draft communication to attorneys as to voucher status, return attorney calls, and respond to attorney inquiries. 

The Voucher Assistant will also act as a backup to administrative assistants and other front desk duties. The Voucher Assistant will also assist with office-critical functions such as maintaining attorney assignment calendars, office supply management, organization of meetings and conference calls, and interfacing with the public as well as contacts within the county for general purposes related to the MAC Office. 

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Legal Operations Director

The Legal Operations Director will be responsible for the development and integration of the policies, processes, and procedures related to the Legal Defense Program in the MAC Office. The Legal Operations Director's tasks include but are not limited to management over attorney caseload monitoring, case management integration, Public Information Act requests, and overall attorney compliance with MAC performance standards and expectations. The Legal Operations Director will be the lead on the implementation of the MAC Plan of Operation and provide time-sensitive solutions should urgent situations arise with MAC-appointed attorneys, MAC clients, the judiciary, or MAC staff. 

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