About Us

Employment Opportunities

Seeking Employment?

The Harris County Office of Managed Assigned Counsel is committed to our mission and dedicated to fairness for our clients and a more just criminal justice system. From attorneys, to investigators, to social workers, to administrative staff, to law clerks, to interns, each position brings vital skills and advocacy to our client-centered defense services.

We provide equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, or sexual orientation. We offer opportunities through full-time employment, internships and law clerkships. We encourage anyone who meets specified qualifications to apply. 

Available employment opportunities will be listed below.

Social Worker

Social workers will make outside, face-to-face and collateral contact with clients, witnesses, case managers, and law enforcement as required. Gathers mitigation evidence and review client's file. Social workers will connect clients to available social, housing and community services as that is a crucial component of holistic defense and in our effort to reduce our client's re-exposure to the legal system. Social workers will maintain a persistent awareness of available community resources, as well as maintaining routine communication with key contacts in the community of social work resources in Harris County. 

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Resource Attorney

Resource Attorneys will be primary liaisons between the MAC Office and individual courts. Resource Attorneys will be responsible for the following: assisting with managing appointments of attorneys deemed eligible to accept misdemeanor appointments; monitoring caseloads among MAC-Appointed Attorneys; providing resources, support and oversight to MAC-Appointed Attorneys; and assistance with day-to-day problem resolution in discovery, litigation, or trial issues. Resource Attorneys will handle conflict resolution on behalf of attorneys between clients, prosecutors, or judges should they arise. Resource attorneys will be available to sit with attorneys as first or second chair counsel if necessary. Resource attorneys will be responsible for monitoring and maintaining legal resources made available through the MAC--physically and electronically--for attorneys in their work of appointed cases only.

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